Latest Funny Posts
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Hottie Prankster Andrea Wendel

Andrea Wendel is the super hottie from the whatever YouTube channel. She’s pretty successful as the hottest prankster ever. Seriously, watch the video. Shit, she’s hot. Follow her on insta…

Silly Animals To Get You Through Thursday

Silly animals brought to you by, we all love silly animals and so does our sister site check out that site enjoy!

Justin Timberlake Shows Us How Dumb We Sound When We Use Hashtags

Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake prove how cool hashtags are and how ridiculous you all sounds when you use them to describe everything on Instagram and Twitter. The pound sign on the phone was nev…

20 Ridiculous Notes On a Fridge

Nic Cage and His Magnificent Ponytail

You thought Nic Cage couldn’t get any better, but then he grew a ponytail. Behold, the ‘do in all its glory: And now an ode to Nic Cage’s many, many looks

So You Decided To Get Wasted

The 33 Greatest Mysteries On “Breaking Bad”

Breaking Bad, we need answers and we want them right meow! Is this going to be the moral of the story? Would They End it Like This!? Is this what Gale wrote on the next page of the book of poetry? Is …

It’s Time For Photobombs!

Well That Escalated Quickly

It’s Monday Lets Grab a Drink

Ahhhhh Monday and some of you have to go to classes. When you get a chance grab a drink and relax.

Daily WTF: Yup It’s Monday

Hope you aren’t too hung over today enjoy the daily wtf. If you want to send us some photos shoot them over to

Texting Fake Breaking Bad Spoilers

Pranking people via text messaging just got serious. If you have friends that are into Breaking Bad you don’t even want to tease someone with some sort of spoiler. But here we have someone that …

Monday’s Need a Little Motivation

Phone Fails

Damn you technology!

Daily WTF: Be Happy Don’t Worry

Enjoy the weekend we’re at Red Bull Flugtag come join us use Facebook and Twitter to find us.

Daily WTF: Grab a Drink It’s Friday

Happy Friday enjoy the Daily WTF post.

Swing Struggles

Via Buzzfeed

People Say The Strangest Things on Tumblr

Wait For It…Afternoon Break Time!

Afternoon break time everyone! If you would like to submit your photos shoot it over to

Daily WTF: Holy Crap Whoops!