Latest Funny Posts
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I Also Like to Live Dangerously

The 12 Months of Nicholas Cage

Nicholas Cage is one popular dude on the internet and deserves his very own calendar.

Do You Even Know How To College?

College is a place to party and have fun…and study I suppose. We miss college and love the photos you send us. Keep sending them in

Daily WTF: Use Me Somebody Please Use Me

The daily wtf is here to make your Tuesday way better than it was before. If you were having a good one it just got better. If you have any awesome photos you want to share shoot them over to info@bro…

20 People Sharing Too Much on Facebook

Some People just share way too much on Facebook and it’ oddly funny.

Life is Short Have Some Fun

Life is short party and have fun!

Afternoon Break Whoops You Lost the O and J

It’s time for the afternoon break! Hopefully you all can spell a little better than these guys at the Angels vs Blue Jay game. If you have some awesome photos you want to share send them over to…

What if Breaking Bad’s Walt Jr. Had Instagram

Walt Jr., we all know he lives a troubled life in AMC’s Breaking Bad. We also know that he loves his breakfast here’s a peek into his life.

Somethings Only Gamers Understand

Best Old People Ever

Old people are the best!

Photoshop, it Makes Life Better

A Few Reasons Why We Love Kristen Wiig

Kristen Wiig has been nothing but awesome and she continues to get funnier with each career move she makes. But lets not just put Kristen Wiig as the funny lovable girl, she’s actually pretty ho…

Awesomely Awkward Engagement Photos

Single Life vs Relationships

Via CollegeHumor

Daily WTF: Where Did the Weekend Go?