Real Life Jurassic Park…WTF??

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From Sunshine Coast Daily:

The suggestion would be considered unbelievable – if it involved anyone other than Clive Palmer.

The controversial billionaire is rumoured to be planning to clone a dinosaur from DNA so he can set it free in a Jurassic Park-style area at his new Palmer Resort in Coolum.

Mr Palmer has, apparently, been in deep discussion with the people who successfully cloned Dolly the sheep to bring his dinosaur vision to life.

Mr Palmer has not commented on this vision yet. Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson has said Mr Palmer was very serious about the plans.

Uhhh…what?? Did this guy not see what happened in the movie? We need Samuel L.  Jackson in here stat to tell him it’s a bad idea. Otherwise we’ll all be running from three-toed lizards through a small island off the coast of Costa Rica.

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