Chairs are like Facebook…WTF??

Have you seen Facebook’s new campaign The Things that Connect Us? It’s ridiculous, “chairs are like Facebook”. Umm….what does that even mean?? I can get the concept behind the campaign, but it’s beyond ridiculous. We have the 90 second spot below, and under that a bunch of spoof memes people made off the campaign.

Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny Chairs are like Facebook...WTF?? Funny Facebook advertising  memes funny

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