Latest idiots Posts

Who Ever Said Romance Is Dead?

I’m Surrounded By Idiots

Let’s Get Creative With Our Handy Work

Excuse Me Your Car, It’s Hideous

Well That Escalated Quickly

Tattoo Fails, You’re Going To Regret Those Later

Everyone contemplates a tattoo at least once in their life, but not everyone decides to get one and if they do it’s usually planned out pretty well. On the other hand you have people encounter t…

20 Ridiculous Notes On a Fridge

I’m Surrounded by Idiots

20 Hilarious Lost Pet Signs

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than losing a pet, but the lost pet signs that come of it are sometimes hilarious.

Fake 9/11 Subway Coupon Accepted at a Subway Location

If you haven’t heard the Onion published a story last week about a fake Subway coupon good only on September 11. Obviously it was a fake promotion and not everyone knew that. Check out the promo…

A couple of Pointers to Get a New Job

What Not To Do When You’re Pregnant

I have so Many Questions Right Now…

There Are Some Things Even the Internet Can’t Explain

Celebrities with Miley Cyrus’s Tongue

Oh Miley Cyrus, your tongue is so creepy.

Modeling…You’re Doing it Wrong

Chinese Character Tattoos And Their Translations

via Buzzfeed

You’re Doing it Wrong

Some People Struggle With Life

People on the Internet are Brilliant