Latest Daily Random Story Posts

Daily Random News: Loud 10 year old Punched in Theater

I know this is wrong, but it must have been really, really satisfying. Sometimes you just need to punch the loud kid at the movies. A Washington state man fed up with a group of noisy moviegoers behin…

Daily Random News: Bees Take Over Chair at Boston U Graduation

There isn’t even am article to quote from on this one, but the photos are explanation enough. Crazy!

Daily Random News: 73-year-old Climbs Everest

I’m like a third of this woman’s age and I could never climb any mountain, let alone Everest. You go Tamae Watanabe! A 73-year-old Japanese woman climbed to Mount Everest’s peak Satu…

Daily Random News: Rocks Catch Woman’s Pants on Fire

This is nuts! Imagine just hanging out and your pants catch on fire randomly-so crazy!! A California mother is recovering from second- and third-degree burns after colored rocks her family colle…

Daily Random News: Man Runs Half Marathon in a Hot Air Balloon

Rob Ginnivan ran 13 miles on a treadmill, powered by a small generator as he braved the cold and the altitude above the Australian capital. Although he is an experienced runner, it took him twice as l…

Daily Random News: Man Dies During Lap Dance

Actually, this isn’t a bad way to go out. Surrounded by boobs and booze and glitter-there’s definitely worse ways to go. Robert Gene White, a 67-year-old man, received several lap da…

Daily Random News: 7 LBS of Coke Smuggles in Wheel Chair

Had I thought of this, I’d be living like Tony Montana right now. But then I’d get shot up in my mansion. So maybe it’s not the best idea… Officials say that during the seconda…

Daily Random News: 93-Year-Old Yoga Teacher

I can’t do this now! This old lady is pretty freaking awesome. To say Tao Porchon-Lynch is an extraordinary yoga teacher isn’t a stretch, considering she has fans all over the world. But w…

Daily Random News: Egyptian Man Wakes Up at His Funeral

Probably the freakiest scenario you can imagine. Hospital officials had pronounced dead Hamdi Hafez al-Nubi, who came from the village of Naga al-Simman in the southern province of Luxor, after he …

Daily Random News: Ice Bra Keeps Ladies Cool

Only in Japan…. Japanese manufacturer Triumph has released a bra that contains built-in ice packs so women can feel “comfortable” when air conditioning isn’t available, MyF…

Daily Random News: Crab Beach Orgy

It’s horseshoe crab f*cking season! Horseshoe crabs are once again hosting the longest-running beach party the world has ever known. It’s a peculiar mating ritual in which tens of thousand…

Daily Random News: Naked Unicyclist in Texas

So there’s a guy riding around Texas on a unicycle naked. And he gets arrested. Police say a man arrested in a Southeast Texas city for riding his unicycle in the nude was distracting drivers an…

Daily Random News: 800lb Woman Wears World’s Largest Wedding Dress

Well at least she has someone to share her day with. I just can’t imagine that guy carrying her through the doorway when all is said and done. Making the dress will be a monumental task for seam…

Daily Random News: Dolphins Die of Heroin Overdose at Rave

Dolphins go hard. RIP rave baby. Two dolphins at a Swiss zoo have died after ingesting a heroin substitute drug during a “rave” at the centre, a post-mortem has shown. The mammals died at …

Daily Random News: Richard Branson Ice Cubes

Imagine reaching the bottom of your drink and seeing that face staring back at you. Scary! Virgin Atlantic has just unveiled “Little Richard” ice cubes, which are molded in the likeness of…

Daily Random News:Town Requires Porn Actors to Wear Condoms

Well that makes filming the sequels to ‘Bareback Mounting’ a little difficult. The Simi Valley City Council approved an ordinance on Monday night that requires porn producers to insure tha…

Daily Random News: BMW Blamed for 2 Year Boner

Umm….what? How is it even possible to have a boner for 2 years?? According to a lawsuit filed last week in San Francisco Superior Court, the seat left its driver with a two-year erection. Henry …

Daily Random News: Teeth Ripped Out by Ex Girlfriend

I always knew dentists were evil. A scorned dentist is facing jail time after surgically removing all of her ex-boyfriend’s teeth after he dumped her, authorities in London said. Marek Olszewski…

Daily Random News: Man Forces Moonwalk at Gunpoint

Well, I guess he really really likes Michael Jackson? A 30-year-old Idaho resident was charged with felony assault when he took his love of dance a step too far and allegedly forced another man to per…

Daily Random News: Cop Hit with Sex Toy

Of all the things cops get hit with, this probably is up there with the most hilarious. Upstate New York police are buzzing with anger today after a woman threw a pink sex toy that hit an officer in t…