Latest Daily Random Story Posts
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Daily Random Story: Model Has Freakishly Small Waist

Ioana Spangenberg, a model from Romania, has one of the smallest waists we’ve ever seen. It’s freaky. She says her 20 inch waist is totally natural; she doesn’t diet or watch her wei…

Daily Random Story: Purple Squirrel Found in Pennsylvania

A couple in Pennsylvania trapped a purple squirrel! Yeah, the thing is purple. My favorite part? This isn’t the first purple squirrel that’s ever been found. Mother nature is one crazy bit…

Daily Random Story: Adult Store Robbery

I guess this guy in Iowa really really wanted a toy from an adult toy store but couldn’t afford to buy it. So what does he do? He steals it. Now that’s desperate! In a bid to capture the a…

Daily Random Story: McDonalds Customer Gets Tazed

This crazy lady tried to cut the McDonalds drive thru line but the employees weren’t having it. The drive thru workers got fed up and called the cops, who had to taze the crazy lady to get her o…

Daily Random News: High End Cemeteries

The newest thing crazy rich people are spending their money on? Super expensive funerals. They can cost up to $3.5 million. Just to put a dead person in the ground. At Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambrid…

Daily Random News: People Love ‘Lion King-ing’

Remember that part in The Lion King where the monkey holds up Simba on pride rock? Well apparently people are copying that pose like crazy. It’s the new Tebowing. The latest in weird crazes swee…

Daily Random Story: Giant Shrimp Caught In New Zealand

Some scientists discovered a giant group of shrimp in New Zealand. How giant? Well, these guys are about ten times bigger than average. Crazy right??

Daily Random Story: Two-Faced Kitten

A cat with two faces was born in Florida. Seems to me like there was some cat inbreeding going on…

Daily Random Story: Orangutan Gets Birth Control

I guess these orangutans just can’t lay off each other! They’re worse than sixteen year olds. An orangutan at a Cleveland zoo has become the first such animal in North America to receive a…

Daily Random Story: Ancient Coin Was Used for Hookers!

Some guy found a 2000 year-old Roman coin near the Thames in London that was used as a brothel token. I guess it’s called the oldest profession for a reason! The Museum of London is displaying a…

Daily Random Story: Where There’s Smoke, There’s Pee

We’ve all been taught that when we see smoke, it’s pretty much a guarantee there’s fire there too. Not so in this case. A cat peed on an electrical outlet, causing it to smoke. A cat…

Daily Random Story: News Channel Uses Puppets for Court Re-enactment

You know how on the news they show sketches of courtrooms and read the testimonies? Well one news station in Ohio decided sketches were too boring and decided to use puppets. There’s a video bel…

Daily Random Story: Baby Gnaws on the Head of a Snake

A 13-month-old baby in Israel was found by his mom chewing on the head of a super poisonous snake. I don’t know about you, but that would freak me out so hard! Snakes are super sketchy anyway, b…

Daily Random Story: Club Makes Cologne to Cover Stripper Smell

This is so genius, I don’t know why no one has thought of this sooner! A strip club in South Africa has released a line of cologne, aptly titled Alibi, that is meant to cover up the smell of a s…

Daily Random Story: Guy Calls Cops to Fight With Them

So this guy called the cops at 4am so he could get in a fight with one of the officers. I guess this guy really wanted to go to jail…? We can’t guess what his motive was, but whatever it w…

Daily Random Story: Man Joins the Mile High Club

No not that mile high club, the other one where you try and smoke weed on an airplane. Yep, that guy’s a winner. You get in trouble with the feds for smoking a cigarette on an airplane and this …

Daily Random Story: Guy Accidentally Nails Himself

So this guy was building a shed in his backyard when he accidentally shot himself in the back of the head with a nail gun, driving a nail into his brain. The best part? He had no idea he had a nail in…

Daily Random Story: Husband’s Dog Strangles Wife

This German guy is accused of strangling his wife, but he says his dog did it…We want to know how did he train the damn dog!? And why is the dog now a suspect I mean come one now seriously!? Wel…

Daily Random Story: Student Assaults Coach While Naked

So we’re not really sure where to start on this one; the story’s that bizarre. We’ll just let the article from the local paper do the job on this one: The student was working out wit…