Brave Woman Rescues Herself From The Flood By Boarding Top Of Her Car (Video)

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Brave Woman Rescues Herself From The Flood By Boarding Top Of Her Car (Video)

How deadly can a flood be? Can it be so worst that you have to leave your car behind and call out for help by standing on top of the sinking car? Well, the same incident occurred where a woman got stuck inside her red BMW when she tried to pass the flooded passage in Port de Sagunto in Valencia.

As she failed all the escape attempts with her car from that flood, This brave woman finally could do nothing but leave the car to sink and got herself on top of it. She stayed standing on the top until the rescue team arrived and helped her from the situation.

Although the footage was completely about a helpless woman calling for help in a terrible situation, the video was in short awesome and so do it got nearly 400,000 views on YouTube.

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