Looks like Chuck was having a bad week on the job. These are the things that nightmares are made of kids and probably some of the worst taxidermy we have ever seen! I don’t even know what the hell some of these “creatures” are lol. You will either really enjoy these or hate us for giving you nightmares…
Who wants to pet the pretty kitty?
100% Rabies!
Why Yeeezzzzzz?
Please. Kill. Me!
Oh Hai Der! Im a Seal…. or at least I think I am…
Ummm… wtf?
HAHAHAHAHA Hoo Hoo Holy Shit You Are Ugly!
I just Can’t even…
Derp Im A deer… or possibly a ware-deer
So this is what an alien dog looks like?
Stoned polar bear.
He probably died from starvation because is is cross-eyed and couldn’t see anything.
This is my surprised face!
Well hello der!
AHHHH Party Time!